
Small Business, Big Impact: Why Small Business Owners Need a Website

October 2021
 minute read
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As a small business owner, the internet can seem like a big place. After all, when your customers are mostly locals who hear about you by word of mouth, what do you even need a website for? 

You’d be surprised. According to Visual Objects, “More than three-quarters of consumers (76%) will search for a company website before visiting their physical location.” That’s a lot of customers you’re losing just by not having a website. Even if you’re not looking to expand your business, having a good website can help you maintain relationships with your current customers in many ways. 

How Will Your Website Work For You?

hands typing at a computer with dollar bills flying out of the screen
Your website can actually be a source of profit. Image source: GreenGeeks

Small businesses need to take their online presence seriously and a web design agency like ours can help make it more approachable. In today’s day of any age, investing in your website isn’t just a suggestion, but an expectation. 

Here are some ways having a well-designed website can help your small business.


People may have trouble trusting that your business is good or legitimate if you don’t have a website. And no, just having a social media profile doesn’t cut it. Having active social media is great, but if you don’t partner that with a website, people may not trust you. 

Updates. A website gives you the power to keep your customers updated on important information like your menu, services, hours, and more. This allows you to maintain relationships with existing customers and make sure new ones start off strong by giving them the info they need.

A Story

Especially with small businesses, people love to know the story behind the company. A website gives you the opportunity to share what makes your company unique with the world, which could be a big factor in why they decide to choose your business. Your story could be the reason someone chooses you over your competition, and they might not be able to find that without a website.


You may not see instant results from a website, but it is a key element in growing your business. Investing in web design and marketing together will help take you to the next level, which is why we offer comprehensive plans that take care of both!


Even if you rely on word-of-mouth to get new customers, a website is a key part of the brand recognition and learning process for people. When someone tells a friend about a new restaurant they love, chances are high that the friend will want to look at the site and check out their menu before visiting. Even if they find you from your Facebook profile or Google Business Listing, the site allows them to learn more about your business and keep learning. In short, it gives them the information they need to make a decision.


Websites aren’t just something you spend money on, they’re a way to make money! If you have products to sell, adding them to an online store can help you increase your sales. If you depend on outreach to get clients, a website is a great way for them to get in touch with you. Even if it’s just by increasing traffic to your store, websites can make you more money than you put into them.


Websites allow you to provide direct support to your clients, new and existing. Whether they just need to find your phone number to ask if you’re open or if they have questions that can be answered by your FAQ, a website allows you to show your customers that you care and help you provide excellent customer service.

The good news is that digital marketing agencies like us are here to help you design the website of your dreams. We specialize in helping small businesses and understand your unique needs, budgets, and interests. At Responsival, our goal is to make having a top-notch website and marketing an achievable goal for businesses of all sizes by providing hands-on client support to help you with anything you may need and offering plans to fit a variety of budgets. 

Ready to see what a great website can do for your business? Contact our team today.


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